Sunday, 21 October 2007

Fiasco: The American Military Adventure in Iraq by Thomas Ricks

If there is anyone who still believes that invading Iraq was a good plan then read this book by the senior Washington Post military correspondent. An excellent comprehensive review in the New York Times says:
“Fiasco” is absolutely essential reading for anyone interested in understanding how the United States came to go to war in Iraq, how a bungled occupation fed a ballooning insurgency and how these events will affect the future of the American military. Though other books have depicted aspects of the Iraq war in more intimate and harrowing detail, though other books have broken more news about aspects of the war, this volume gives the reader a lucid, tough-minded overview of this tragic enterprise that stands apart from earlier assessments in terms of simple coherence and scope.

It is a shocking book and all the more so because it is written soberly and based on offical documents and the testimonies of serving personnel.For me it shreds any idea that world leaders and military planners have even half a sense of the long-term consequences of their actions, or even care quite frankly.

Read the editorial and hundreds of customer reviews on the page.

See a video of a lecture delivered in August 2007 by the author.