Sunday, 19 August 2007

The Threat to Reason: how the Enlightenment was hijacked and how we can reclaim it by Dan Hind

Using a philosophical approach this book shows how urgent it is that informed citizens use their expertise and opportunities to find out what is really going on in the world. Hind wants us to focus attention on the real threats to freedom, from the State and the corporation, which are far more powerfully undermining genuine knowledge than the allegedly irrational religious and mystical or traditional approaches to life which many self-styled modern secularist intellectuals like Richard Dawkins or Sam Harris would have us believe are dangerous. The author's own summary of the theme of the book is here


Dan Hind said...

Hi, David,

Thanks for mentioning the book. I wrote a piece about Dawkins's documentary for the Guardian's website -

which you might be interested in,


David Hodgson said...

Thank you Dan. I appreciate your writing.